ZdZ with Francesco Giusta

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25/04/2021 _ 18:00 h


Prezo: 20 €


The hurdy-gurdy in Piedmontese music traditions with Francesco Giusta

Sunday 25th April 2021. 6-8 pm- (UTC+2)

Registration: fill the form here


In this workshop you will be briefly taken into the history of the ghironda in the Italian Peninsula, with the reconstruction of the lives of some players and their music. The practical part of the course deals specifically with the Piedmont’s traditional repertoire concerning both dance music and songs and their adaptation for the hurdy-gurdy. Francesco will approach it from a modern playing perspective for the ‘coup’ techniques, dynamics and the way to build rhythms, working on the disassociation of the two hands and some expressions for the left hand.

Practice exercises will be proposed, advice on the style and material given for the next months to work with.

About Francesco Giusta

Francesco Giusta takes interest in the hurdy-gurdy at the age of 11. He later improves and develops his technique with master players such as Patrick Bouffard, Gregory Jolivet, German Diaz, Thierry Nouant, Stephane Durand, Valentin Clastrier, Matthias Loibner and Tobie Miller.

Since the beginning his main focus has been pointed towards the traditional repertoire of his region first and the French folk music afterwards, analysing and understanding the structures and languages of those genres applied to the dancing scene.

He has played in several bands, mainly within folk and medieval music, and has been to many folk and medieval festivals in Italy, France and Germany; he recorded some CD’s with his bands as well as being a guest in several works of other groups. In 2015 he won the first price at the hurdy gurdy ‘solo’ competition in the ‘Le son continu’ festival in Chateaux d’Ars, France getting the title of ‘Maître sonneur’.

Since 2011 he has been giving masterclasses in several European countries and giving lessons in his hometown. He now plays with Trigomigo and has regular hurdy-gurdy classes in Turin and Germany.

About Folque

aCentral Folque, Centro Galego de Música Popular. Galiza, Europe
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