The Escola de Música d’aCentral Folque organizes three online masterclasses for hurdy-gurdy players in preparation for the 18th annual festival Zona da Zanfona. Encontro Internacional. These workshops will be given by international musicians on specific topics about the zanfona: rock and pagan folk with Michalina Malisz (Hurdy-gurdy in Metal); traditional style from Hungary with Béla Szerényi in (Tekerő in Magyar music); and a workshop on a specific o on Swedish dance with Johannes Geworkian Hellman (Polska!)
Once a month from March to June, we will meet for direct learning in an intensive two hour session with each teacher for a brief introduction to context and history; explanation of style; proposal of exercises and tunes; questions and live talk.
At the end of each workshop, extra material will be given to study further. Language will be English with regional accents.
The sessions will take place once a month on Sundays from 6 pm to 8 pm (Galician summer time, UTC +2).
You will need a decent Internet connection and to have installed the zoom app on your device.
- Type: online
- Duration: 2 hours each
- Times: 6 pm to 8 pm (CEST)
- Dates: last Sunday of every month from March to May
- Software required: zoom app
- Fee per masterclass: 20€
- Fee all three masterclasses: 50€
- Registration fee is not reimbursable. But someone else can take your place. You need to make the payment at latest, three days before the workshop (Ideally at least a week before in order to receive the material for preparation)
- Registration: fill in the form at the bottom of this page; you will receive an email confirmation (not immediate, not automatic)
- Enquiries:
Click on each link for further information:
- Michalina Malisz : Hurdy-gurdy in Metal Sunday 27th March
- Béla Szerényi : Tekerő in Magyar music Sunday 24th April
- Johannes Geworkian Hellman : Polska! Sunday 29th May
Estes cursos están organizados por aCentral Folque co apoio de:
Masterclass organized by aCentral Folquethanks to support by:
Concello de Santiago – Deputación Provincial da Coruña