ZdZ’21 dixital

11/07/2021 _ 18:00 h

Workshop from home! Now that is not strange to teach like this, we offer an online course with Germán Díaz about some Iberian rythms addapted for the hurdy-gurdy. An intense lesson of two hours session with contents to study after on your own for several months.

You need an Internet connection and to have installed the zoom app on your device.

We also recommend headphones and microphone for better results. There will be option to make questions in real time.

The event will take place on Sunday 11th July 2021 from 6 pm to 8 pm Galician time (UTC +2).


  • Language: English
  • Software required: zoom.
  • Once registered on the workshop, you will receive an email with payment details and after you make the bank trasnfer, you’ll received an invitation by email for the meeting a few days before the event
  • Fee: 20€
  • Dead line for registration: 6th July 2021



About the workshop

“Melodies and rhythms of the Iberian tradition”

Germán Díaz will guide us into the rich realm of the music in the Iberian Peninsula pointing out some genres addated to the hurdy-gurdy. It will be an practice masterclass over this music with examples, melodies and patterns to play in the “zanfona”. Extra material will be given for further study after the masterclass.

Main topics:

  • Study of the different techniques of “coup de poignet” – c.4 c.5 c.6
  • Work in rhythms of Iberian musical tradition -Ritmo Charro, Corridos, Muiñeira, Charrada, etc …-
  • Modal improvisation on traditional tunes

About the teacher

Born in 1978 in Valladolid, where he studied classical guitar and Classical Philology at the University of Valladolid as well as the Postgraduate Course “University Specialist in Studies on Tradition”. Studis on hurdy-gurdy with Rafael Martin, Pascal Lefeuvre, Laurent Tixier, Isabelle Pignol, Gilles Chabenat, Nigel Eaton, Patrick Boufard, Valentin Clastrier, Matthias Loibner, Tobie Miller,…

He has played all over the world in prestigious halls and festivals, with numerous formations and musicians. He has collaborated on more than a hundred recordings and editednumerous works as a soloist, and composed O.S.T. for cinema, theater and television.In 2004 he started his own record label, Producciones Efimeras

Prizes: His Cd “Popular Music of the Civil War”, a hurdy-gurdy and guitarduo with Antonio Bravo, was chosen second-best record of the year2009 by “Cuadernos de Jazz”, and best international record by the veteran Japanese magazine Jazz Tokio.Award to the best Soundtrack in the La Fila Short Film Festival, by Article 349, 2009. Finalist of the Awards of Galicia 2014. “Best artist 2014”, XIV Opinion Awards, A Coruña. Guest as a resident artist at Villa Waldberta -Marzo 2015-. Ministry of Culture of the city of Munich. Mestre Mateo Prize 2018 Best Original music by Dhogs. Festival de Cans Prize 2019 Best Original music by Limbo. Pilar de plata Prize 2019 OST by Limbo… Teaching seminars and workshop attended

+ info https://www.germandiaz.net/

About Folque

aCentral Folque, Centro Galego de Música Popular. Galiza, Europe
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