The Escola de Música d’aCentral Folque organizes three online masterclasses for hurdy-gurdy players in preparation for the 17th festival Zona da Zanfona. Encontro Internacional. This workshops will be given by international maestros on specific topics about the vielle à roue: traditional style from Berry with Grégory Jolivet; introduction to the Baroque style with Tobie Miller; Piedmontese music traditions with Francesco Giusta.
Once a month from April to June we will meet for direct learning in an intensive two hour session with each teacher for a brief introduction to context and history; explanation of style and specificities; proposal of exercises and tunes; questions and live talk.
At the end of each workshop material will be given to study further. Language will be English with regional accents. Tuning: G/C (Baroque workshop pitch at 415Hz).
The sessions will take place once a month on Sundays from 6 pm to 8 pm (Galician summer time, UTC +2).
You will need a decent Internet connection and to have installed the zoom app on your device.
- Type: online
- Duration: 2 hours each
- Times: 6 pm to 8 pm (CEST)
- Dates: one Sunday a month: Francesco Giusta 25th April; Tobie Miller 23rd May; Greg Jolivet 13th June
- Software required: zoom app
- Fee per masterclass: 20€
- Fee all three masterclasses: 50€
- Registration fee is not reimbursable. You need to make the payment at least, three days before the workshop. Ideal two weeks before in order to receive the material for preparation.
- Registration: fill in the form at the bottom of this page; you will receive an email confirmation within 2 days with the payment information
- Enquiries:
Click on each link for further information:
- The hurdy-gurdy in Piedmontese music traditions with Francesco Giusta. Sunday 25th April
- Introduction to French Baroque music on the hurdy-gurdy with Tobie Miller. Sunday 23rd May
- The hurdy-gurdy in Berry tradition with Grégory Jolivet. Sunday 13th June
A Escola de Música d’aCentral Folque organiza tres aulas maxistrais de xeito telemático (formato online) para tocad@s de zanfona anticipando o XVII Zona da Zanfona. Encontro Internacional. Estes cursos serán dados por mestres europeos de recoñecido prestixio sobre obxetos especfícos para a vielle à roue: stilo tradicional da zona de Berry con Grégory Jolivet; introducción ao estilo Barocco con Tobie Miller; e a tradición piamontesa con Francesco Giusta.
Unha vez ao mes de Abril a Xuño teremos sesións intensivas de dúas horas con cada mestre con introdución ao contexto histórico, explicación do estilo e especificidades e propostas de exercicios e melodías. Para finalizar haberá tempo para preguntas e bate-papo informal. Material preparatorio e extensivo será entregado ao finalizar cada aula. A lingua vehicular será o inglés con sotaques rexionais.
As sessions terán lugar unha vez ao mes en domingo de 6 pm a 8 pm (horario galego de verán, UTC +2).
Precisarás a zoom app no teu aparato.
- Tip0: online
- Duracion: 2 h
- Horario: 6 pm – 8 pm (CEST)
- Datas: un domingo ao mes: Francesco Giusta 25th Abril; Tobie Miller 23rd Maio; Greg Jolivet 13th Xuño
- Software: zoom app
- Matrícula: 20€
- Matríucla polas 3 aulas: 50€
- + info:
+ info:
- The hurdy-gurdy in Piedmontese music traditions . Francesco Giusta.
- Introduction to French Baroque music on the hurdy-gurdy . Tobie Miller.
- The hurdy-gurdy in Berry tradition . Grégory Jolivet.
Estes cursos están organizados por aCentral Folque
Concello de Santiago e a Deputación Provincial da Coruña
Pingback: Zona da Zanfona. 17 Encontro Internacional Rianxo’21 – Folque