ZdZ’24 online masterclasses

aCentral Folque organizes four online masterclasses for hurdy-gurdy players in preparation for the 20th Zona da Zanfona. Festival Internacional. These workshops will be given by international musicians on specific topics about the zanfonaScott Marshall : How I buzz! from basic to advance techniques for the coup the poignet; Claire Dugué : Set up & maintenance for everybody to understand how a HG is made and how to take the best out of your instrument ; R.T.Taylor : From bal to jam for for beginners and people hungry for a vast repertoire;; Robert Mandel : The hurdy-gurdy in Central European for the context of music for the hurdy-gurdy in Hungary, Poland and Austria.

Twice a a month every fortnight  in April and May we will meet for direct learning in an intensive two hour session with each teacher for a brief introduction to context and history; explanation of style; proposal of exercises and tunes; questions and live talk.

At the end of each workshop, extra material will be given for further study. Language will be English with regional accents.

The sessions will take place once a month on Sundays from 6 pm to 8 pm (Central European Summer Time or UTC +2).


  • Type: online
  • Duration: 2 hours each session
  • Times: 6 pm to 8 pm (CEST)
  • Dates: a second Sunday from 14th of April to 26th of May
  • Software required: zoom app
  • Fee per masterclass: 25€
  • Discount fee all four masterclasses: 80€
  • Registration fee is not reimbursable. But someone else can take your place. You need to make the payment at latest, three days before the workshop (ideally at least a week before in order to receive the material for preparation). Bank transfer. No Paypal or platforms alike
  • Registration: fill in the form at the bottom of this page; you will receive an email confirmation (not immediate, not automatic) with instructions to follow for payment
  • Enquiries: matricula@folque.com

Click on each link for more information:


You will receive an email confirmation (not immediate, not automatic) with instructions to follow for payment


Masterclasses organized by aCentral Folque thanks to support by local and province public institutions:

Concello de Santiago – Deputación Provincial da Coruña

About Folque

aCentral Folque, Centro Galego de Música Popular. Galiza, Europe
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  1. Pingback: ZdZ’24 online masterclasses :: HurdyGurdy

  2. Daniel Sprinkle

    Have I been registered for this workshop?

  3. yep, you did sucesfully. We wrote an email with instructions

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